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  • Wheelchair cycles Wheelchair cycles
  • Platform bike Platform bike
  • Mountain bikes Mountain bikes
  • Hand cycles Hand cycles
  • Adventure tricycles Adventure tricycles
  • Side-by-side tandem Side-by-side tandem
  • Semi-recumbent cycles Semi-recumbent cycles
  • Recumbent cycles Recumbent cycles
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Wheelchair cycles

Wheelchair cycles

Suitable for those who cannot power a cycle independently but love the thrilling sensation of cycling.

Wheelchair Bike (Van Raam Opair) The pilot (driver) has the controls (steering, gears and braking) and sits at the back of the tandem,  the passenger sits at the front to experience the thrill of cycling and enjoy the stunning views of the New Forest. The bike has a wide wheelbase so is stable when stationary or moving meaning the Pilot does not need to be able to balance or put their feet down. Passengers secured with a lap belt and straps on the foot plates the max weight for the passenger is up to 120kg.

N.B.: Wheelchair users must be able to transfer or be transferred from wheelchair to cycle

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